Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Answer the three questions by writing at least a page stating your Essay

Answer the three questions by writing at least a page stating your opinion on each question - Essay Example I, like majority of Americans support death penalty. I have a number of reasons for supporting death penalty. The first reason for supporting it is informed by the belief that retribution is a crucial remedy for crime committed. In particular, I consider death penalty as a natural human response to heinous crimes such as murder. If the defendant is found guilty of taking away a life of another human being, then the life of that particular defendant should also be taken, as that is the only punishment that measures to the crime. The second reason for supporting death penalty is informed by the belief that it will act as a deterrent for other persons who may be considering or may consider in the future to commit similar crime. The severity of death penalty will make it less likely for a person to commit a crime that calls for such a punishment. The final reason for supporting death penalty is incapacitation; this punishment ensures that a convicted offender will not have a chance of co mmitting the same crime again as society will get rid of him or her completely. #2: Do convicted murderers spend too much time on death row before their sentences are carried out? The duration that convicted murderers spend on death row prior to the carrying out of their sentences has emerged as one of the topic of interest regarding the death penalty, recently. It is disturbing to know from the available data that some death row inmates have spent over 20 years on death row awaiting execution. What is more disturbing about this situation is the fact that during this delayed time, these inmates are generally isolated from other inmates, as well as being excluded from prison employment and educational programs. While there are those who think that convicted murderers do not spend too much time on death row before their sentences are carried out, I believe that they do. I think that murderers do spend too much time on death row, a thinking that is informed by available data and statis tics. According to Death Penalty Information Center, the duration that the murderers in the United States spend on death row has become increasingly longer in recent years. Using data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Death Penalty Information Center states that the average time between sentencing and execution of murderers in the United States is 178 months (Death Penalty Information Center para 7). This data confirms that indeed murderers spend too much time on death row before their sentences are carried out. This long duration takes huge toll on the inmates, their families, and on the taxpayers. While death penalty proponents and opponents alike agree that careful review that may require longer time is imperative, they agree that too much time is harmful and justice system should find ways of reducing this unacceptable long duration. #3: Can you be a good American and not vote? Traditionally, voting rights have been considered as central to democratic citizenship. Citizensh ip generally implies a bundle of social, political, and civil rights, all of which can greatly be reflected through voting. Essentially, citizenship is a full membership status in a self-governing polity. This conception involves the electoral rights where citizens participate in collective self-government through voting for representatives or directly. Often, it is through voting fo

Monday, February 10, 2020

Management Principles of Pursuit of Happiness Term Paper

Management Principles of Pursuit of Happiness - Term Paper Example In any business, money is the language people speak, even in the business of families. When money is not smooth-flowing, members of a company or family could break apart, leaving broken relationships. This is a common mistake made by the untrained or novice businessman, foreseeing a great future in a business without making careful studies of the feasibility of an enterprise before investing in it. In the case of Gardner, he bought all the machines he could and though he worked hard to sell them compounded with good communication skills, he still lost his wife. However, serendipities could happen when perseverance is present as seen in the life of Gardner when his selling of the machines led him to places which brought him to the success in stockbrokerage. Gardner proved to have keen eyes for success when he looked enviously at a stockbroker’s car and asked him what he did and how he did it, showing qualities that are essential to successful management. He was not only observa nt but he had a way of expressing himself without reservations, he had good communication skills. Honesty was one he could have never thought would be the very key for his having a chance in his dream job as it is shown in his confession to the interviewers that he tried to make up a great story why he went to the interview dressed like a garbage man. Although choosing appropriate clothes is as important as the product in every business, Gardner was able to persuade his interviewers that he could do the job by selling himself first, his abilities and capabilities. Although he was a leader of a basic unit of society, his family; he seemed to be unsuccessful managing it, failing to keep his wife to work with him in their pursuit of the happiness they both longed for. Despite the trials they have been through, he stood to the discipline of never hitting a woman or leaving his son, borne of a desperate need for the father he never knew. This became his personal motivation, to stay with his son and not give him the chance to have a piece of the abuse he experienced in the hands of his stepfather when he was a child, and to work hard to give his son the care he needed as his wife left them for New York. Birthed from such a need, the high-paying job of a stockbroker became to him a challenge and a motivation as he had the opportunity to grab the job, with it not needing a college diploma to qualify as an applicant. Crossing the bridge to take the training as a stockbroker became painfully difficult when he learned that the six-month long training is without pay. Faced with the dilemma of raising his son alone, he had to stand firm, making sacrifices to be able to accomplish every task that was set before him. This is where Gardner’s planning and strategic management skills became evident when he had to work while training and at the same time attending to his parental responsibilities. He managed his time pretty well, studying in the train and working while ta king his leisure time with his son, juggling his various responsibilities and making wise use not only of his time but also of all resources available to him. Moreover, when he was in the training scene, Mr. Witter became one of his motivations, praising him for his wit and hard work, driving him all the more to be productive. He was a natural strategic planner, valuing every tick of the clock so that he even estimated an eight minute productive time he had, from refraining to drink, and hanging in between calls. He was a team-player,